Love & Travel: Do They Really Meet?

Do these two dimensions meet along the road? I have  wondered if this is possible – to find real love while on travel – despite the tight schedules, the airplane and bus rides that never seem to end.

My latest plane ride that took me to Singapore, February 2016
When you are away from ‘reality’, can one make a sound decision on whether to pursue a real relationship or not?

From my personal trips, I have met a lot of people. Most of them turned into friends, or simply just Facebook contacts. I am pretty sure that most of those I may never see again in this lifetime but we are able to keep in touch through our travel photos. It is so easy to connect today with downloadable apps, especially Facebook where we get updated with each other’s whereabouts.

Then there is another set of people that holds a more special place in my heart. Travel has taught me that it is possible to have an uncanny connection or chemistry with a stranger. In just a few minutes into a conversation, you easily feel at home. These are the people that I think of having another trip with, or maybe, spend a portion of my future with. Sounds a bit creepy, but true!

Walking around Singapore to find Little India, in my alibaba dress sold to me by a Filipina!
Like what all of us have learned in our adult life, not all good things last. There is a departure date for you, for her, for him. Time suddenly flies by too quickly and there’s no way to stop it. The connection was only good for a number of hours, days, weeks. ‘Reality’ is just a plane ride away.

What happens when you want reality and escape to mix, to overlap? When you want to do your usual grocery shopping in loose clothes in a foreign country to cook a mean local dish, or change your daily commute route because you are in an entirely new city?

At National Gallery of Singapore
Maybe crossing over is possible, anything is! It could be difficult, as anything could be. Maybe traveling more will give me a logical answer, or lead me to an epiphany, as how it has been for the past couple of years. The only thing to do now is to KEEP SEARCHING AND WALK ON.



30 thoughts on “Love & Travel: Do They Really Meet?

  1. Your blog hit me! HAHA. I’m dating a traveler right now and our relationship ain’t like the normal ones. But I can say, it’s worth the try!

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  2. Maybe that special person just shows up when we are not looking. The person who will support your love of travel and maybe even joins you. Thanks for this post, please update when you have found the answer, if travel and love really meet.


  3. Great perspectives! I always consider travelers as the epitome of come-and-go-people. I would be happy to read a blog post from you talking how you met your partner on the road. Nothing is impossible and I believe on perfect timings! xX


  4. I think they do. It’s just a matter of staying in contact, hope that it will be enough to keep the connection and the possibility of seeing each other later. It’s the one of the most fulfilling parts of traveling but definitely the saddest as well. 😦


    1. I agree with you, Joser. It’s difficult to say goodbye – not just to a person you meet along the way but the place where it happened. I experienced this with a backpacker I met while traveling in Southern Luzon, we’re friends on Facebook now, but there is a really small chance that we will meet each other again.


  5. I actually met my boyfriend on a travel. We kept in touch in Facebook and then dated afterwards. 🙂 I hope everybody has a chance to have that kind of situation in Before Sunset, but in reality it doesn’t work that way. Most probably you won’t find love while on travel – unless you’re looking for flings – but you’ll get to meet lots of people. Then, just as Joser said, it’s just a matter of staying in touch.

    Oh, if you’re interested in reading about our story:


    1. I just read your story! It’s a good one and really interesting. Although my post is a question, I am actually very doubtful of this happening for me. And I am always happy to read stories like yours. I am a strong believer of what you quoted: ‘happy people build happy relationships’ 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your post about it!

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  6. If I had a penny for every time my friends told me that I’d meet the one in absolutely ALL of my travels, I’d be rich by now. I am no Taylor Swift, I don’t meet or change men like I’m changing clothes. But I have some friends who did find their partners while traveling. It’s just that it’s not true to me.


    1. Yeah there is one story for each person and may not be true for the rest. It’s funny, because my friends do the same thing. Maybe we belong to the same group of friends?! =P Thank you for dropping by, Marge!!


  7. Wow! I totally agree with this one! I have been traveling by myself a lot since 2013, and i have met so many people that I still keep in touch with online, but never in person. Really amazing how you can easily connect with someone after just meeting them! Foreigners or local, it’s wonderful. Now I only hope that I can meet someone through my travels that I can possibly date! Hahaha

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